Tuesday, July 20, 2010

28. Sleep through the night. Oh wait, that's Emma. OK, so get Emma to sleep through the night so I can.

I think I can safely call this one done. For the first time, since I was pregnant with Emma, we are both sleeping (more often than not) through the night.

12. Post at least 150 books on Paperback Swap (100/150)

Done. In fact, I revised this a bit. I just decided to get rid of just about every book I own. (And I had hundreds of books.) Kinda sad since it was one of my few luxuries, but big relief that I don't have to lug them around with us everytime we move.

58. Do 20 guy-style push ups at one time.

Way done. Easy, peasy now.

Friday, July 16, 2010